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Aug 4·edited Aug 5Liked by Anna Schott

I enjoy your writing because it hits me like love letters to California. I'm in Texas and I wish to be back in California.

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Thanks Emily. I hope you make it back!

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I love the matter of fact way you write Anna…!

I have those moments of field conversation that feel blank… hello cows… hello sheep, hello pigs. Down the road in a field hidden behind the château there is a donkey, he’s all alone and I feel so sad for him - I ask him how he feels about it but he doesn’t reply - he just nudges me for more bread - bread helps!

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Thanks, Susie. You inspired me to try writing more about nature. And now I want to know more about this donkey. I hope his people are good to him. And I'm glad you have bread.

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I love reading the things you write about. Never change what you do. ☺️

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Well thank you, I appreciate that!

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Aug 1Liked by Anna Schott

Thank you for the relaxing descriptions, I think I’ll take a walk

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Damn--they way you write about natural landscapes is insane. Every time I go hiking now, I pay more attention to whats around me, trying to learn their names and be friends with these plants.

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Thanks Will!

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Gorgeous! And what is Chapparal? I only know it with High in front because of the movie or TV series from yonks ago. It looks beautiful around where you live!

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Chaparral is a scrubby mix of plants that grow in tough conditions--the mountains of southern California are mostly covered with it, rather than trees.

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Beautiful description on so many levels. And a couple of the photos, along with the text, gave me a shockingly strong jolt of memory and connection to place… not easily done.

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Thank you

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Beautifully described. See what you mean about the Dr Seuss-ness of it. Those swirls and prickles!

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Thanks! And yeah, nature is surreal

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Aug 1Liked by Anna Schott

I know that walk! And I listen to Cesaria Evora too, Sodade!

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Cool! That's awesome.

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Beautiful--I feel as if I've already had my walk.

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