I’m so jealous. I was always goodytwoshoes. I also dream of living among trees but my job binds me to the big city and I hate driving so a commute is out of the question. But I’m curious- how did you got from stealing Mac and cheese to owning a TV?

You live in a privileged place Anna.

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I certainly do! Answer to your question... I got a job!

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It figures 😂

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Loved the description of the ocean. I know those views far off in the distance. Thanks for sharing your young memories and recreating a time and a place.

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Beautiful! I recently caught the hiking bug, working on learning the names of the plants.

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One of my favorite classes in undergraduate school was “Plants and Animals of Southern California.” I learned how to tell the difference between Hoary Ceanothus (not to be confused with Hairy Ceanothus) and Blue Ceanothus. And it’s a short period of time when they’re in bloom, but the mountains seem to glow when that happens.

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You gorgeous hippie, you! You’d fit right into the chill vibe on the quiet side of Ibiza. Lovely, vivid writing.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12Author

Thank you! Now take me to Ibiza, please...

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Easy! My book is set in Ibiza! It’s funny, too! xx

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